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Cinderella Body Club Boxed Set Page 11
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Page 11
I wanted to say it was all part of the job, but that would be a lie. I put my heart and soul into my work. I felt my face heat from his compliments, but I was pretty sure the locket hid the flush to my cheeks. “Yes. I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was little. And I’ve applied to nursing school. I’m just waiting to hear back.”
“That’s exciting news.”
“I’m trying not to get my hopes up. There’s fierce competition to get in.”
“If you need a recommendation, I’d be happy to write you one.”
Nobody had ever volunteered to help me before. I took care of myself. “That would be incredible. I’ll take all the help I can get.”
Quinn’s smile felt like a ray of sunshine after a long, dreary Oregon winter. I returned a smile just as bright.
We bumped into each other several more times and I couldn’t help but picture Quinn without clothes, his tall, lanky frame covered in sculpted muscle and smooth skin. I wanted to run my hands over every inch of him. I couldn’t wait until noon when I could have him all to myself.
Chapter Five
Quinn said to meet him on the main floor of the hospital at noon. I quickly slid on my lavender wool coat, refreshed my makeup, and re-applied the red lipstick. We were both on call during our lunch hour, but didn’t want to eat in the cafeteria surrounded by hospital staff, family and friends of patients. Quinn knew of a small, efficient deli around the corner.
I heard pounding footsteps from around the corner. A moment later, Quinn came to a screeching halt in front of me.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said, out of breath.
Quinn reminded me of the way Kramer, from the show Seinfeld, entered a room. Fast, with arms and legs askew. Because I’d watched every episode of that show his frantic arrival cracked me up. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and laughed.
“Hey. What’s so funny?” Quinn chuckled too.
“Nothing. And you’re not late.”
“Good.” He smiled and slid his arm through mine. We walked arm-in-arm out the door. “I’m going to make it my mission to make you laugh all the time.”
We stood at the counter of the deli reading the daily specials. To save time, you ordered and paid at the counter and then they shouted your name when your food was ready.
I could feel Quinn’s gaze. I looked up at him and smiled. “What are you staring at?”
“I’ve waited for so long to be alone with you I don’t want to take my eyes off you. You might disappear.”
If he only knew.
People jostled around us ordering their lunch, picking up food, getting drinks and throwing away their leftovers. “Let’s enjoy the time we have now. Tomorrow will come too soon.”
“What does that mean? Tomorrow will come too soon.” Quinn looked worried.
We went ahead and ordered our meals and were able to snag a small table in the back. Just as we sat down we heard Quinn’s name shouted.
“I’d really like to know what you meant when I get back with our lunch.”
I’d seen that determined look on Quinn’s face before when he talked to difficult patients. He returned with a tray filled with food. We ate in silence for a couple minutes.
“Raven? Talk to me.”
“We see death often in our jobs. You never know if you’ll have a tomorrow.” That was the truth.
Quinn stroked the back of my hand. “I agree. But you still have to live your life like there is a tomorrow, or what’s the point?”
His words scrambled my brains and I didn’t have an answer. I grasped his hand and then placed it against my face. I leaned into his palm, closed my eyes and sighed in contentment.
“Raven. I know I’m moving fast, but I want you.”
Not fast enough for me.
When I opened my eyes Quinn’s face was inches away. I looked at his warm luscious lips, begging for them to be on mine. He smelled of sweet tea as he brushed his lips along mine. I couldn’t fight the urge and teasing, and pressed into his lips. His mouth felt like heaven with its warmth and softness. He kissed back with so much intensity I felt like I would burst. Then his cell phone rang and we jumped apart.
He took a deep breath and answered, “Dr. Taylor.” He listened for a moment and then hung up. “I’m sorry, I need to go.”
“Okay…” Disappointment laced my words.
“Go to dinner with me. I’m not on call. We can have the whole night to ourselves.”
Until midnight.
“Yes, I’d love that.”
“Good.” He got up and knelt in front of me, took my face in his hands, and kissed me gently, rubbing his lips back and forth. He gradually got up. “Does six o’clock sound good?”
“Sounds perfect. That’ll give me time to change my clothes and feed my cat.”
“Give me your address sometime today.” He grabbed a bite of sandwich, winked, and quickly weaved his way out of the deli.
The short, navy blue dress with matching heels was finally going to get a night out to remember.
Chapter Six
Quinn found ways to get close to me and not be obvious about it. He brushed by my sleeve while no one was near. I slipped my address and phone number into his hand. I signed the paper with a kiss using my red lipstick. It was schoolgirlish, but fun. He unfolded it and grinned his approval.
A little after two o’clock, Sally handed me another chart. “I need you to go to the psychiatric ward and draw this patient’s blood. The other tech is swamped and we can spare you for a little bit.”
“You bet. I just need to be off at four o’clock.” Normally, I would work as much overtime as needed but not tonight.
“You should be. The patient is restrained and they’re waiting for you.”
“Restrained, huh?”
“Yep. They just brought him and they need to check to see what he’s on.”
“No problem.” I headed for the stairs.
“Hey. Why is four o’clock so important? Do you have a date or something, I hope?” Sally wiggled her eyebrows at me.
I wasn’t willing to share even the teeniest of details of what I had planned with Quinn. “Today is just different. And I’m going to make the most of it.”
The psychiatric ward covered the whole fifth floor. I scanned my badge several times to get to the secured location. I checked in with Dwayne, the head nurse, and he gave me the instruments that I needed for the blood draw on a rolling cart.
Dwayne led me down the hall. “The patient’s name is Bob. The cops who brought him in said he’s violent and possibly dangerous.”
Bob looked to be asleep. His head faced the wall and his eyes were closed. His arms and legs were strapped to the bed. For venipuncture blood draws, the blood is drawn from the forearm—usually in the area inside the elbow—where the veins are closest to the skin. Bob’s inner arm was blocked by one of the straps. I tried to slide his arm into a better position but it wouldn’t budge. They seemed very rigid for someone asleep. This draw would be more difficult than I anticipated.
“I’ll be right back.” Dwayne stepped out of the room.
The veins in Bob’s hands were my next choice. I removed the protective wrapper from the syringe and laid it on the tray and then washed the area with an antiseptic swab. The straps made it hard to tie the rubber cord around his wrist. I struggled a bit to make the veins bulge.
“Oww,” Bob mumbled and looked up at me. “Hey, how long have you worked here?”
“Several years.”
“Are you sure you’re qualified to do this?”
“I don’t like you. You need to go away.” Bob became agitated and struggled against his restraints.
“This will only take a moment.” The vein wouldn’t cooperate and lay flat.
nbsp; “Hey! You’re hurting me.” He struggled more.
“Sorry. Hold still and I’ll be quick.”
Bob’s eyes were eerily blank. “I don’t like needles in my hand.” He looked toward the door, I followed his gaze and saw it empty. “Why don’t you loosen the straps and you can get the blood from my arm.”
Seriously? I’ve watched my fair share of scary flicks. I was not letting this guy loose.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make this as painless as possible.” I picked up the syringe and slid it into a nice plump vein just as Bob started to make choking noises. His eyes bugged out of his head and his skin turned red. I hit the emergency button beside the bed. I could hear running and shouts. Help was on its way. I remained calm and stroked his arm.
Bob cried, “Help me. I’m chocking.” Saliva pooled in the corners of his mouth. He looked terrible, then murmured something intelligible.
I leaned forward to hear him. Suddenly, searing pain exploded from my mouth. I staggered back, holding my face as a team of personnel streamed into the room. Someone removed my hand to look at my face and blood covered my fingers from my split lip. Bob had head-butted me and now he laughed maniacally from his bed.
“See. You’re not so smart after all, bitch.” He continued to laugh in a sick, manic tone.
“What happened?” someone demanded.
My lip throbbed as I wiped the blood away. “After I inserted the needle, the patient pretended to choke. He smacked me in the head when I got too close.”
“Check to make sure the patient is all right and then sedate him again. Get Jenni in here to finish drawing his blood,” a doctor demanded and left.
“I can finish. Just give me a moment.” Before anyone could protest I reinserted the needle and drew three vials of blood.
Dwayne took the blood vials and tray from me. “I’m sorry you got hurt. You have to be extra careful working in this ward.”
“I won’t make the same mistake again.” I gingerly touched my lip. “How bad does it look?”
Dwayne cringed. “I hope you don’t have plans for tonight.”
But I did.
Chapter Seven
Exhaustion slowly made its way through my body as the elevator door slid open. Dwayne had applied antiseptic to my lip and handed me an ice pack to reduce the swelling. No way could the locket hide Bob’s nasty handiwork. Now it looked like Cinderella would go home alone. Who would want to spend the evening with someone who had a fat, split lip? If I didn’t need the money, I would’ve gone home and sulked. I rested against the wall for a moment, lowered the ice pack, and gingerly touched my sore lip.
Sally looked up from a chart and her sharp green eyes zeroed in on my mouth. She hustled around the desk and rushed to my side.
“Oh, honey. What happened?”
I straightened from the wall I leaned on. My pity-party was over. “The patient thought it would be funny to head-butt me.”
She shook her head in what looked like disgust. “That’s why I don’t work in that ward. They’re unpredictable.” Sally gently guided my hand and the ice pack back to my lip. “Do you need to go home? I can call in Josey.”
“No. I’m fine. I only have a few more hours.”
“Okay then.” Sally nodded and handed me a chart. “I need you in room 159.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Just as I tossed the ice pack in the trash can, Quinn rounded the corner. His expression teetered between concern, anger, and back to concern, all in a heartbeat. In three long strides he stood before me.
Quinn’s eyes scanned me from head-to-toe. “What happened? Are you okay?”
The urge to curl into his body overwhelmed me. “As I told Sally, a patient up on the psych ward thought it was funny to hit me in the face with his head. And I’m fine.”
“So I guess spicy Thai food is out of the question?” he asked, his tone light and teasing.
“Are you sure you want to be seen with me? I’m sure I look pitiful.”
“You are beautiful to me, even with a fat lip. And I’ve been waiting months to get you alone.” Quinn stroked my arm. “But that’s only if you’re up for it.”
Heat shot from his touch to my feminine core. Oh, I was up for it. I leaned into his hand and his movements became slower and feather light, like he was stroking my bare skin. I could tell by his half-closed eyes and steamy look, he was affected as much as I was.
Hospital noise surrounded us but for one moment I felt as close to Quinn as I’ve ever felt with anyone and that scared the crap out of me.
I had until midnight, not forever.
I needed to remember that. “Umm, I better get back to work.”
Quinn slowly removed his hand and leaned in close. “How about chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and vanilla ice cream for dessert?”
“Sounds great. I love comfort food, plus it’ll be gentle on my mouth.”
He brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers. “Be assured, I’ll be gentle with all of you.” He brushed a kiss across my lips, winked, and walked away.
I mentally fanned my face.
Chapter Eight
The last few hours flew by. A little after 4:00 p.m. I had my coat on, purse slung over my shoulder, and I held a new ice pack against my lip as I walked out to my car. I made a mental checklist: feed Molly, take shower and use cucumber body wash, shave legs, brush teeth, refresh makeup, play with Molly, and then put on my one and only siren red dress. Plunged low in front and back, the dress stopped just short of being indecent.
At exactly 6:00 p.m. there was a knock at my door. My insides did the rumba. My heart pounded and my stomach clenched until I opened the door and saw Quinn standing there with a huge grin on his face.
“Hi,” he said. His eyes lowered to my lips. He didn’t give me a chance to speak as he stepped in my apartment and gently captured my mouth in a kiss. He moved his lips across mine, skillfully avoiding the sore spot. “Yum,” he whispered, lifting his head. “I’ve waited a long time to kiss those sexy lips.”
His kiss—a warm, slow kiss that flirted with my senses, sent tingles up and down from my head to my toes. I wanted more…. I looped my arms around his neck and kissed him long and hard, not caring about my lip. We were both out of breath when we slipped apart. My body melted and I relaxed against his chest. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and the feel of his touch made me shiver in delight.
“We better get going or dinner will burn down my house.”
“Dinner is at your house?”
“Since you had an eventful day, I thought we could eat in. I hope that’s okay.” Uncertainty crossed Quinn’s handsome face.
“Yes. That’s more than okay. It’s thoughtful.”
He reached out and caught my hand, planted a kiss on my knuckles, and tugged me back for one last kiss.
I mentally said goodbye to Molly because I didn’t plan to come home until after midnight.
Quinn drove a newer model Jeep Cherokee. But of course anything was newer than my Volkswagen Jetta. The soft leather seats surrounded me in comfort. The evening temperatures hovered around freezing, so he turned on the heated seats for additional warmth. He drove through a small subdivision on the outskirts of Portland and pulled into the driveway of a medium-sized, two-story house.
Quinn zipped into the garage, turned off the motor, jumped out of the car, ran around to my side and opened the door. “Welcome to my home.” He took my hand and guided me to the inner door.
“How long have you lived here?”
“About eight years. I inherited a small amount of money from my aunt and bought this house. I like the neighborhood and it’s close, but not too close to downtown Portland.”
He led me into his living room, took my coat, and hung it on a wooden rack. The rich aroma of roasting chicken wafted by me
and my stomach rumbled.
“I hope you brought your appetite―and like my cooking.”
“By the smell of it, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful. I haven’t had anyone cook for me in years.” Quinn had my favorite flowers—a mixed bouquet of wildflowers―and a bottle of red wine breathing on the counter. The wine smelled like something sweet, rich, and dark.
I stepped into his living room. Precariously balanced piles of magazines, newspapers, and books were scattered everywhere. If a small gust of wind shot in from the front door his attempt at order would be demolished.
He looked around. “If I had more time, I would have used my shop vacuum to clean my house. It’s been a long time since I had female company.”
“Yeah. Around the time I met you.” Quinn wrapped me in his arms. “Are you sure you wouldn’t have preferred to go out?”
“No. I want to be right here with you.” I ran my hands up his arms and around his neck. “If we went out, there’d be people, noise, and distraction.”
“Yeah. Just the two of us. That sounds perfect.” Quinn smiled.
My stomach gurgled in hunger. We laughed and he released me.
“Let’s eat.”
Quinn took my hand and led me into the dining area. It was open and roomy with a half wall so you could see into the kitchen. His table was already setup with plates, napkins, and silverware. From the look of things, Quinn had gone to some trouble to make the dinner special. He slid the chair out and when I sat, he pushed it forward.
He leaned down and whispered, “May I pour you a glass of wine?”
The sensation sent a tingle down my spine and warmed my body. I wanted another taste of Quinn, not wine. I licked my lips in anticipation of what we’d be like together. Would he take his time and savor or would he ravish me? I was good with either―or both for that matter.