Cinderella Body Club Boxed Set Read online

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  “What happened?” I asked and leaned forward. I really needed to hear a happy ending for somebody.

  “The next morning, when she peered in the mirror, grandma said, she looked like a combination between Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.”

  “Wow! Don’t leave us hanging!” Annalise exclaimed and fanned her hands in the air.

  “That’s all she told me. She fell asleep.”

  We were on the edge of our seats in anticipation of a great ending. Now we all flopped back in our seats.

  “You stinker!” Annalise joked.

  “Did she end up with him? Did she marry him?” Tess asked and held her hand out until Cami passed her the locket.

  “I don’t know. I know I had a grandpa, but he died before I was born. She didn’t talk much about him, so I never knew him. But, there’s something else. Before Grandma fell asleep, she told me that she believes this locket has magical powers. She’s not sure how it became that way, but she figures it was from all the wishing she did. But, she told me she was transformed into this beautiful, confident woman she saw in the mirror. It must be magic. That’s why she wanted me to have it. She wanted me to see myself as she sees me. Beautiful.”

  “There’s no such thing as magic,” Annalise said as she poured herself another glass of wine.

  Cami got up and opened another bottle. We were drinking a little more than we usually do. Luckily we lived nearby and were taking taxis home. I blamed it on all the love talk.

  “With magic there’s always a catch. Did she tell you what it is?” I asked. “I’m not going to make a wish and have a unicorn horn grow in the middle of my forehead.”

  “She said the one catch is that from the time you make the wish, the magic will only last from midnight to midnight.” Cami took the locket back from Tess. “I know it all sounds nuts.” Cami looked steadily at each of us. “But what if it’s true? What if we wished for Cinderella bodies and got them for twenty-four hours? What would we do?”

  “I know what I would do with it.” Annalise wiggled her eyebrows with naughty innuendo.

  “Wouldn’t it be great for one day to look like someone else? Live in the shoes of a true beauty and see what their life is really like?” Cami asked.

  “I call BS,” I said. I couldn’t imagine being truly beautiful. Alan told me over and over how plain I looked. It has taken me a long time to look in the mirror and see pretty again. I wish he would have left sooner.

  “I’m going to try it. What the hell. What do I have to lose?” Cami picked up the piece of jewelry, laid it in her palm, and then waved a hand over the top of it. “Oh great and magical genie, I wish for…” Cami didn’t finish, but grinned ear-to-ear.

  Tess snatched the locket from Cami’s hand and repeated the same incantation before she handed it to Annalise. The locket continued around the circle to me. It felt very warm to the touch and seemed to vibrate. Must have been the wine. After I made a wish, I gave it back to Cami.

  Cami placed the locket into the middle of the coffee table. “Let’s put our wine glasses around it, close our eyes, and join hands and think about our wishes one more time. We should reinforce what we want.”

  I rolled my eyes, but finally went along with the silliness. Deep down, I hoped it wasn’t silliness after all. We all opened our eyes and looked around at each other.

  “Do I look any different?” Cami asked, expectantly.

  I shook my head in resignation. “Nope. I told you it was BS.”

  Always the optimist, Tess chimed in, “Did we do something wrong? Why don’t you ask your grandma on your next visit and then we can try it again.”

  “Sure, that sounds like a plan. Maybe Grandma will stay awake next time to finish the story.” Disappointment laced Cami’s words.

  We cleaned up our plates and washed out our glasses. Cami hugged each of us goodnight as we left.

  I felt foolish for what I’d wished for. Confident, tall, blond blue eyes, and big breasts. Even if it was for just one day. Like the nurses on the day-time show General Hospital—perfect.

  I imagined Quinn wanted that type of girl. He sure didn’t pay any attention to me the way I look now. I was bestowed with a petite build, jet-back hair, green eyes, and calling me shy was an understatement. I figured he wouldn’t show an interest in me unless I made a drastic change.

  Cami’s grandmother’s locket promised all the things I desired. If it really did work, I would make the most of it and make Quinn notice me for the first time.

  Chapter Two

  My cat, Molly is my alarm clock. At 6:00 a.m. every morning, she climbs from the foot of my bed, wraps herself around the top of my head and her engine starts. She doesn’t care if it’s my day off or not. I found twenty pound Molly at a local shelter. Her mismatched eyes, one green and one blue, immediately stole my heart.

  I stretched, dislodging Molly. She jumped down, anticipating her morning meal of salmon delight. The wood floor in my small, one bedroom condo, felt cold on the bottom of my feet. I threw on a pair of old sweats, a cotton pull-over, and slid my feet into my fleece slippers.

  My coffee pot brewed two cups every morning right before I got up. What a great invention. Molly got her kibble and I got my much-needed caffeine.

  After two cups of coffee and a slice of wheat bread slathered with peanut butter, I shuffled into the bathroom. Still a little sleepy from all the wine the night before, I grabbed a comb and it easily slid through my normally tangled hair. That snapped my head around and I peered into my mirror at my now lighter, silky locks. Oh, my God. A sexy body, like one of the nurses from a daytime show, stared back at me. Beautiful, but with my green eyes and my small nose. I pulled the neckline of my sweatshirt out and peaked at my slightly rounder, fuller new chest. My once non-existent rear end, seemed to be perkier. It sort of worked. I giggled and danced around.

  Before I could completely look over the changes I heard my cell phone ring from the living room. I ran and picked it up. “Hello?”

  “Have you seen yourself?” Cami shouted, excitement ringing her words.

  “Yes. Yes. Can you believe it worked?” I checked one more time to make sure my breasts were still larger and firm by jiggling up and down. “Did you get what you asked for too?”

  “We all did. I called everyone when I got up. I can’t believe my scar is gone.”

  “Oh, Cami. This is all so strange.” I ran back to the bathroom and admired my shiny hair and fuller body. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Have fun.” Cami laughed.

  I laughed too.

  “Get dressed. We’re going to meet at the coffee shop over the Canal Bridge on Pacific and Twentieth. We might be a little late for work, but who cares? We only have twenty-four hours and we need a plan,” Cami said.

  “I’ll be there, but you might not recognize me,” I teased.

  “We’re the same on the inside just a little better on the outside. See you soon.”

  I hurried and got dressed in a black sweater, cotton pants, and grabbed my hospital uniform. If I didn’t stay long I wouldn’t be late for work. I couldn’t wait for Quinn to see the new and improved me.

  Maybe Cinderella gets a second chance after all.

  Traffic seemed lighter than usual as I drove my Volkswagen Jetta to the coffee shop. Maybe the locket had other powers, like turning traffic lights green. As I drove into the shop’s parking area, a spot opened up in front next to the handicap ones. Add front row parking to an already wonderful morning. I thought about buying a lotto ticket just in case my luck extended further.

  As I walked by the shop’s window, I took a sneak peak at my reflection. My hair shimmered in the early morning sunlight, my eyes had a sparkle I hadn’t seen in years, and my teeth were dazzling white.

  Why couldn’t I feel this beautiful every day?

sp; My friends squealed and clapped their hands with delight as I walked up to the table.

  “Hot mama,” Cami cheered.

  I expected my face to flush at the compliment but I didn’t feel heat rise to my cheeks. One more piece of luck. I splurged on my favorite coffee drink―a double shot of espresso, soy milk with vanilla syrup―then sat down and took a sip.

  “Wait until Quinn sees the new and improved you. He won’t be able to tear his eyes away. I feel sorry for his patients,” Tess joked.

  My confidence waivered. “What about tomorrow?” A beautiful, confident girl stared back at me reflected from the shiny napkin holder. “I won’t look like this anymore.”

  “I hope some of the illusion sticks with us,” Annalise piped in.

  Cami motioned with her hand to come closer. We all leaned together at the table.

  “What does everyone see when they look in the mirror?” Cami asked.

  “I look close to the girl who was in my mind when I made the wish. But, more like a better version of me,” Tess said.

  “Sexy versions of us,” I said with a chuckle, and admired my boobs again.

  “My hair’s straight, the flab around my middle feels firm and the scar on my cheek’s disappeared.” Cami stroked her cheek where the scar used to be. “Let’s all take advantage of today. Live it up.”

  “I agree,” Annalise and Tess said in unison.

  “It kind of stinks that it’s a work day. I wish today was Saturday,” Cami said.

  “Not me. Then I wouldn’t be able to see Quinn. I doubt we run in the same circles on the weekend.”

  “You’re right. We spend most of our day at work. We’re more likely to have fun with our new hot looks at work. Keep in touch as the day goes on―especially if something really fun happens,” Tess said.

  Cami stood and pulled out her phone. “Let’s ask that guy over there to take our picture so we can remember this crazy day.”

  When Cami asked him to take our photo, he looked at all of us with appreciation in his eyes. “Four beautiful ladies together in one place, this is almost better than coffee.” He grinned, counted down, and I heard the phone’s camera take the shot.

  “Thanks,” we replied in unison and giggled.

  He winked at us as he handed the phone back to Cami.

  “Come on guys. Let’s go start our once-in-a-lifetime day,” Cami said.

  We gathered our things, hugged goodbye, and went our separate ways.

  It was time for Cinderella to collect on her second chance at romance.

  Chapter Three

  With my chin held high and every strand of my silky hair in place, I slid on a smooth coat of siren red lipstick. I’d never worn such a vibrant, powerful color before. I practiced a wink in the nurse’s lounge mirror. Carly, a character from a daytime soap opera I watch, swung her hips when she walked, and flirted with anything male. I only wanted Quinn to notice me.

  Swaying my hips seemed silly, especially wearing a boxy blue smock and thick, rubber-soled shoes. The women on the hospital daytime show wore two inch heels to work. Talk about ridiculous.

  Not knowing what to expect from the hospital staff, my stomach flip-flopped with anxiety as I prepared to clock in for my shift. It thrilled me when heads turned: men smiled, and woman did a double-take as I made my way to the nurse’s desk.

  As a phlebotomy technician, I received my daily assignments from the head nurse, Sally Morganson a mother of three, who started her career later in life with gusto. She ran her floor like a naval ship: tight, efficient, and with no toleration for mistakes. Some saluted her behind her back. I saluted her to her face when she barked an order and we got along fine. The only outrageous thing Sally did was put a different streak of bright color through her hair. Sally chose candy cane pink this month.

  The staff claimed that Sally had ESP. As I approached, she extended her hand without looking up. “Rooms 110 and 141. See the instructions in the chart.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Instead of getting right to work and not chit-chatting like I usually did, I said, “That shade of pink looks really pretty in your hair.” I took the charts and headed down the hall.

  “Hey, wait,” she said. “You look pretty nice yourself. Did you do something different with your hair?” She tilted her head. “No. Not your hair. I can’t put my finger on it. What’s different?”

  Everything. I thought. Couldn’t she tell?

  “I spent a fortune on hair color, makeup, and an awesome bra, is all.”

  “No. It’s more than that. You’re glowing.” She leaned in close. “Did you get laid last night?”

  “No, but I’m hoping to tonight.” My boldness surprised me.

  “Well. Good for you.” Sally patted me on the shoulder and looked discreetly at my chest. “I want the name of that bra before you leave tonight, you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I heard Sally chuckle as I walked away. I guess the appropriate name would be the Cinderella bra. Of course she’d never find that brand and mine would end up as fairy dust along with the rest of me at midnight. With that in mind and minutes ticking by, I kept my eyes peeled for Dr. Gorgeous.

  After I’d finished up with my two patients, I returned their charts to Sally. Her full cheeks were spread into a wide grin with her gaze directed over my shoulder.

  “Oh baby. Look no further. That’s a willing candidate for a night of pure, unadulterated sex if I ever saw one.” Sally fanned her face.

  My eyes followed the same path as hers. Staring back was Dr. Quinn Taylor. I winked. He looked surprised and then winked back.

  What comes next?

  I needed a handbook for seduction.

  “Here comes Dr. Handsome. He’s had the hots for you for some time. I want details in the morning,” Sally whispered and walked away.

  Never losing eye contact, Dr. Taylor didn’t stop until we stood toe-to-toe.

  “Did you just wink at me or did you have something in your eye? If it’s either, I’d be willing to help in any way.”

  His smile spread warmth through my body, firing up my furnace in places that hadn’t felt warmth for way too long. The Cinderella in me smiled instead of ducking and hiding.

  “That was a wink. How about you?”

  “Oh. That was definitely a wink.” He leaned close. “You surprised me. You’ve never spoken more than a couple words to me. What changed? Were you married, or had a boyfriend, or studying to become a nun?” he joked.

  “None to all of the above. I woke up this morning feeling like somebody else, is all.”

  Why didn’t he mention the new hair color or sexier body? Were people blind today?

  “Don’t change too much. I like the shy, well-respected, highly efficient Raven that I’ve worked with since I started here.”

  “Dr. Taylor. You’re needed in room 156,” a nurse called from down the hall.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Strange, it looked black for a moment.

  Give me a break. I had until midnight. Don’t cheat me now.

  When I looked again it was back to its lighter, more vibrant shade. My heart settled back into my chest where it belonged.

  He turned to the nurse. “I’ll be right there.” Then he looked at me. “Have lunch with me?”

  “Yes. What time? I have to arrange it with Sally.”

  “Noon, if you can make it.”

  “I’m sure I can.” Our eyes held a moment longer and then he left. I wasn’t going to waste a moment in this body.

  Did Cinderella have the stress of shimmering from rags to sparkles?

  Chapter Four

  Quinn seemed to pop up everywhere throughout the morning, always smiling and winking. My heart beat with joy. After I finished with a blood draw on one of his elderly patients, he stop
ped me in the hallway.

  “Mrs. Henson told me she wants to adopt you. She said you always acknowledge her discomfort and try to minimize her pain from the needle. And that you remind her of her favorite granddaughter, giving, caring, and sweet.” He brushed his knuckles across mine. “And I whole-heartedly agree about the giving, caring and sweet part. That’s what attracted me to you from the beginning.” His touch was warm and gentle.

  “I wanted to talk to you, but an old relationship tore me to pieces and I’m just now putting everything back together again.” Mesmerized by his soft blue eyes, I held his gaze.

  “Well, I’m glad you decided to finally give me a chance. I’ve tried everything to get you to notice me, except strip naked and run through the hospital.”

  “I’ve been aware of you from the first day you started.”

  He looked shocked.

  I leaned forward and whispered, “Maybe if you had stripped naked I would have talked to you sooner.” As the flirting turned sexual, other places in my body heated up.

  He reached out and touched my arm. “So, you were waiting to see me naked, huh? Since that hasn’t happened yet… What changed your mind today?”

  “It’s hard to explain. I just feel different today. A new person, if you will.”

  “God. You are beautiful.” His lips moved closer. If we weren’t in the middle of a bustling hospital, I would’ve boldly reached out and kissed Quinn. I caught Sally out of the corner of my eye and stepped back. I would be the old Raven tomorrow and I couldn’t mess this up by ignoring my job.

  Choosing a safe subject I said, “Needles scare everyone, but I try to take extra care with the elderly and children.”

  Quinn smiled a knowing smile, stroked my arm for a brief moment, and then tucked his hands in his pockets.

  “Have you ever considered continuing your education and becoming a nurse? You’d make an exceptional one. The tenderness and compassion you show is beyond measure.”