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Cinderella Body Club Boxed Set Page 8

  She’d made mental notes throughout her day. Tess knew her magical time with Parker might end at midnight, but going forward, she promised to love herself and make the most out of every day she could. For the remainder of the night, she planned to enjoy her time with Parker.

  “The excitement in your eyes makes my show a success. I am the one to say thanks. You’ve given me a better outlook on my life than what I shared with you at lunch.”

  Parker lifted her hand to his lips. His action made Tess wet her lips. She only had a few hours left and she desperately needed to feel his lips against hers. Time wasn’t on her side and her what-the-heck attitude spoke for her. She leaned forward to whisper to him.

  “Do we have to stay any longer?” She turned her head to meet his eyes. His eyes told her he’d been thinking the exact same thing. His mouth formed the word ‘No’ and then smiled. His answer made Tess happy. Parker stood and held out his hand to Tess. She took it without hesitation. Now the time had come to finally be alone with him.

  “Elizabeth and Robert, it has been a pleasure seeing you tonight. Elizabeth, I will see you next week at the shelter. Now I must steal this beautiful woman from you and make up for the time I haven’t spent with her.” Parker shook Robert’s hand and took Elizabeth’s in his and kissed it.

  The Donnellys said goodnight to Tess. Elizabeth reached in to hug Tess and whispered in her ear, “He’s a fine catch.” She stood back and winked at Tess. Tess laughed and heard Elizabeth call out to visit the shelter soon. Tess turned and nodded in agreement. With her arm locked in Parker’s, they walked toward the entrance. Many people wanted to shake Parker’s hand and congratulate him on such a wonderful event. Tess felt proud to be on his arm. If only she could stay beside him the rest of her life. She quickly reminded herself she vowed to enjoy her magical night with no negative thoughts.

  “I thought it would take the remainder of the night to get out of there.” Parker loosened his tie and undid the first button of his shirt. “That feels better”.

  I’d feel better if you continued with the remainder of the buttons. Tess snickered at her inner thoughts and smiled.

  They stepped outside the main doors and Parker pointed to the limo that waited. The driver opened the door but before she entered the car, Tess looked up to the sky and sighed.

  “A beautiful clear night to see the stars,” she said and then climbed into the back seat. Parker followed and their driver closed the door.

  “Are you a stargazer too Tess?”

  “Yet one more thing we have in common.” She asked and then continued, “I love to gaze. Since I was little, I wanted a telescope but never got one. Someday I should get one for myself.” Tess shared and remembered the many birthdays she’d asked. She wondered why she never bought one herself.

  “I have the perfect spot on my balcony. Would you like to come over to gaze at the stars? Or is that too forward for our first date?” Parker’s eyes showed such concern. He definitely had been raised to be a gentleman. Tess had it wrong. She’d figured him for a ladies’ man.

  The driver pulled into the Portland Estates within a few minutes and stopped at its entrance. Tess had viewed an apartment there, but it had been too pricey for her. She’d forgotten about this place. Parker thanked the driver and held his hand out for Tess. She gladly accepted.

  “Good evening, Mr. Walsh. It is a lovely evening,” the doorman welcomed them.

  “That it is, Mr. Harold,” Parker responded but he held his eyes on Tess.

  Parker pressed the top floor button inside the elevator. He must love the view, Tess thought. She wished she could afford the view from here, but she still loved her claw-foot tub.

  Parker unlocked the door and motioned for Tess to enter. He followed and closed the door behind them. “Would you like a glass of wine?” he offered.

  “Yes, please.” Tess checked out her surroundings while Parker moved over to his bar. The leather bar counter and stools, in a dark rich chocolate brown, looked more comfortable than her bed. Behind the counter stood a mirrored cabinet with shelves of every possible drink one could dream of. And part of the cabinet held any possible glass required for that drink. She watched as he removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. The desire to touch him overwhelmed her. She sucked in a quick breath and turned to shake the thought of jumping him and having her way with him right there on that leather bar counter.

  Tess took notice of the luxury Parker lived in. He seemed to like chocolate brown leather furnishings. Yet he added a splash of color here and there. He had impeccable taste.

  “Did you do all the decorating yourself?”

  “I wish. It’s not my talent, but my mother’s. She’s the interior designer.” He laughed.

  “And your father?” Tess asked. She hoped small-talk would cool her desire for Parker. She knew she had less than three hours before the spell broke, yet still it wasn’t the norm for her for a first date.

  “He’s an architect. This building is one of his creations.” Parker handed her a glass of wine and tipped his glass to hers. “Here’s to tonight’s success which feels so much better since you are a part of it.”

  Tess smiled and lifted her glass to her lips. The sweet fine flavor teased her senses and relaxed her state of unease. “I hope tonight’s success keeps you behind the camera. You belong there, Parker.” Tess then added, “And now I understand why you are so creative. Your parents are as well. I love this building. I looked at an apartment here a few years back.”

  “You didn’t like the apartment?” Parker asked in confusion.

  “Oh, I do love the building and the apartment was unbelievable. I just couldn’t afford it at the time I started my business,” she explained.

  “I wish I had known you then. I could have gotten you a great deal since I have a connection.” Parker smiled. He motioned toward his balcony.

  “Would you like to gaze at the stars? I promised I’d show you the best view.”

  Tess agreed and took his hand. He led the way.

  “I love your telescope. You must really like to stargaze.” Tess set her wine glass down on a patio table and walked toward the telescope. She took a peek.


  Parker smiled as he watched her mouth open, her eye still pressed against the telescope. This woman continued to amaze him. He hadn’t discovered one thing about her that he didn’t enjoy. Parker wondered and hoped Tess had been the reason he’d come home. Now he knew that empty spot he felt in his heart had been the lack of true love. The Donnellys had changed his way of thinking. His parents were never romantic or cute with each other― not in front of him, anyway. They were serious, well-groomed at all times and lived in the pleasures of life their success had brought them. He couldn’t remember ever seeing them kiss or hold hands. They never fought and always spoke highly of each other. He never believed either of them were the cheating kind, but they’d never been the romantic kind either. Until he met the Donnellys, he never believed in true love. He figured someday he’d settle and his marriage would be similar to that of his parents’. Now he thought differently. Now he wanted to marry for love.

  “Amazing view, although I must admit I’m not educated on astronomy. I just always loved looking up at the night sky at the stars. Probably the reason I never got that telescope was because my parents knew me better. I never seemed to know what I really wanted.” Tess chuckled.

  Parker set his wine glass beside hers at the table and joined her. He stood behind her and reached for the knobs on the telescope. He wanted to share what he’d learned along the way and enhance her love of the stars. He told her to place her eye back on the lens. His body pressed against hers as she obliged.

  “There is so much more to the night sky than the visible stars. A winter evening with a crisp clear sight can bring a dazzling canopy of stars. The most familiar, Orio
n, climbs in the southeast after sunset. The first thing I learned was to look for the three brightest stars, Orion’s belt lies in an almost vertical line.” Parker adjusted the knobs on the telescope.

  Tess stood still with his body pressed against hers and her eye on the lens. He breathed in the scent of her hair and moved slightly. The feel of her body sent heat waves through his. He ignored the thought of unzipping her dress and cleared his throat.

  “Just a few degrees to the south, you’ll see Orion Nebula, a luminous cloud of gas and dust that create hundreds of stars. It is one thousand, three hundred and fifty light years away, but it is the closest star-forming nebula to Earth.”

  “And I thought the night sky of stars was beautiful. You have studied astronomy.” Tess sounded not only impressed but anxious to learn.

  “It is mind-blowing at times. Before I bought this telescope, I thought the same. Once I started to learn, I just couldn’t stop myself.” Parker chuckled.

  He released her from his embrace to gather their wine glasses. Tess thanked him and took a sip. He stood for a moment. Her eyes were his favorite stars to sparkle in the night sky. Parker lifted his glass to take a drink. His eyes never left hers until her lips parted and then his focus drifted to them. Parker thought back to the earlier part of the day when he almost kissed her in the elevator. The temptation emerged once again and he moved closer. He raised his hand and allowed his finger to touch her bottom lip.

  “I just remembered how close I came this morning in the elevator to kissing you.”

  “That thought hasn’t left my memory all day,” Tess said softly.

  “Then I must take that thought and make it into the remembrance of a kiss.” Parker lowered his mouth to hers.

  His decision only drove him wild and he deepened the kiss. The pleasure it seemed to give her through a soft moan, sent the urge to have the use of both hands to touch her. He released her briefly to take her wine glass and set it down with his. He moved back quickly and placed his hands around her waist. Parker pulled her back gently to meet his kiss. Her hands traveled up his arms and she placed her hands at the back of his neck. Slowly, she moved her fingers through his hair. Parker pulled her closer to him. He wanted her to feel the need he had for her. His action made her moan through the kiss. She grasped a handful of hair in her hand and gently pulled. He could barely breathe with the strong hold of her body pressed against him, but he didn’t care. He’d never desired any woman like this. Any thought of whether he was behaving as a proper gentleman, left him with her comment as she released from his kiss.

  “I want you Parker.” Tess’s rough whispered comment only increased the desire he felt for her.

  “I need you Tess.” He took her hand and led her into his bedroom. He stopped at the doorway. He wanted to be certain this is what Tess wanted too.

  “Are you sure Tess?” He cleared his throat. “If this is moving too fast for you, I understand.”

  She pinned him against the door with a devilish smile. “I’m more than sure.” Tess started at the second button from the top and worked her way down. She opened his shirt and moved it over his shoulders.

  Parker’s heart raced with anticipation. His question had been answered and confirmed. His hand reached for her hairpin and loosened her curls. The hairpin fell to the floor. His hand grasped her hair and he pulled her to his mouth. The lips he’d desired in the elevator that morning were better than he’d imagined. Parker had never wanted to make love to a woman as much as he did at this moment. The taste of strawberries from her lips sweetened the kiss. Her hands traveled along his chest. His desire grew when she reached his belt. With one hand she released the button and unzipped him. She lowered herself until his pants were a puddle around his ankles. Then she slowly traced her fingers along his legs until she stood again. His lips met hers instantly. Parker let out a slight chuckle as he fumbled for the zipper on the back of her dress. He let out a sigh when he successfully located it. Tess snickered and withdrew from the kiss as her dress slid to the floor.

  “You are so beautiful.” Parker caressed the delicate fabricate of her silver strapless bra. His finger followed his eyes in a trail along her stomach to touch the fabric of the matching panties. He looked up to see her eyes drift shut. In one sudden movement, he swept her off her feet and placed her gently on his bed. His hand beneath her head slowly travelled to search for the clasp that held that delicate fabric. His finger traced along her neck to her bare breasts. Parker leaned in and left a trail of kisses along the same path his finger had traveled. He removed the remainder of what little had been left between them. His lips never left hers as their bodies became one. Need, want, and desire had filled his mind up to this moment. Now he felt heaven.


  She startled from her sleep. Was I dreaming? Tess felt an arm around her and a warm body pressed against hers. She turned slowly to see a sleeping Parker. Then she noticed it. Over his shoulders were the glowing numbers on his alarm clock. She sucked in a quick breath.

  12:02 Shit!

  Tess didn’t want to stir him. The last thing she needed was for him to wake up. Wake and see her—the real her. The time instantly reminded her that the spell had ended. She inched her body away from his hold. She stopped at the edge of the bed when he moaned. He rolled over to his side. Tess slithered off the bed and stood. She tried to focus in the dark for her clothes.

  Thank goodness for the sparkles on my lingerie and those dazzling sequins on my dress.

  Tess gathered her belongings and made it to the doorway. She bit her lip so as not to make a sound when her foot found her hairpin. She quickly picked it up and made it to the hallway. Slowly, she pulled the door and quietly closed it. Tess tossed her dress over the leather sofa and slipped into her panties and bra. She reached for her dress and noticed the telescope on the balcony. She took a deep breath. Her magical night had been perfect. She’d seen stars and not just the ones through the telescope. She reminded herself she vowed not to let it sadden her when the night ended. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, smiled and then stepped into her dress. Once zippered, she reached for the purse she’d left on the sofa. She looked down at her feet.

  Shit. My shoes are in the bedroom!

  For a moment she thought about going to get them but she dare not wake him. She wasn’t ready for him to see the real her.

  Oh well, Tess, maybe no one will notice since the dress hits the floor.

  She blew a lock of hair away from her eye, took a deep breath and then walked out of Parker’s home and probably his life too once he saw the real Tess.

  Chapter Seven

  Tess stirred. She opened her eyes and attempted to focus. 7:10 showed on the clock beside her bed. Then she heard the noise again; the one that woke her.

  What? Her brain registered knocking on a door. She wondered who would be at her door at this time of day, on a Saturday. She pulled the blanket away from her body. She shivered and swung her legs to the floor. Tess grabbed her robe that hung on the back of the door. She tied it together as her bare feet slapped against the hardwood floor. The disturbance angered her. One eye glanced through the peephole.


  Tess silently prayed to be forgiven for being angry. She hadn’t expected her mom. She unlocked the door and opened it.

  “It’s about time.” Her mom walked past Tess with a loud sigh. “I called on the way but you didn’t answer,” she said as she turned to face Tess.

  Tess anxiously waited to hear why her mom came by so early. She didn’t seem upset, so Tess erased the thought that something terrible happened. Her mom didn’t seem overly happy, but she usually didn’t. Before Tess could ask, her mom continued her rant.

  “I had to find parking, and then come all the way up to stand outside your door for ten minutes, knocking. You forgot, didn’t you?”

sp; Tess brought her hand to her mouth. Her eyes grew wide. She remembered now.

  “I did. I’m sorry Mom. It slipped my mind.” Tess raced down the hall and called out, “Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be ready.”

  “Fine,” her mom replied and added, “I’ll make coffee and then we won’t have to stop.”

  Tess quickly turned on the shower. She felt bad. She’d forgotten her mom’s birthday gift. A few weeks ago she surprised her mom not only with the latest book of her favorite author but the promise of a future date to go with her to get the new book signed. The author was only in Portland for the day. Tess’s mom had been so excited. She loved their time together. Her mom called her Thursday night to remind her before she’d left for Cami’s. But then the pendant, Parker and her most magical night happened.

  “Almost ready Mom,” Tess called out.

  She jetted into her room naked. Within ten minutes she’d dressed in her jeans and a sweater. She tossed a little make-up on and tied her hair back into a bun. A splash of body spray and she let out a sigh.

  Oh well, at least you didn’t turn into a pumpkin.

  She met her mom in the kitchen. She’d settled at the table with her coffee and paper. Tess grabbed a coffee and kissed her mom’s cheek.


  “So what has you in a tizzy this morning? Or should I ask what happened last night?”

  Tess’s mom got to the point. She always did. Tess loved that about her. Tess took a gulp of coffee and sat beside her at the table.

  “Well, you know that guy I mentioned works in the same building as me?”