Cinderella Body Club Boxed Set Read online

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  His French accent simply made him adorable. Her stomach flipped with excitement. Tess moved fast to keep up with him. He spoke as fast as he walked.

  “A new line arrived yesterday so no one but you will appear at the benefit in this line. I have the perfect one for you. It will wrap around that superb body beautifully.” He stopped and turned. “Yet it will not overpower your beauty. Child, you’d look good in rags.” Franc smiled and pivoted.

  That’s tomorrow. But I’m sure my beauty will disappear and I’ll be left in my rags. Tess chuckled within and then raced to keep up with him. She followed him to the back of the store and through a door. Franc reached for the garment bag that hung on a clothes rack and then started back into the main store area.

  “Follow me. I’ll show you to the change room.”

  When he snapped his fingers for her to hurry, she moved faster after Franc than anytime she’d attempted to work out at the gym, which wasn’t often. Her New Year’s resolution never lasted the month of January.

  Franc hung the garment bag on the outside of the change room door and unzipped it slowly. He turned when the zipper made its half-way point. “Are you excited?” He asked with a grin like that of a child on his birthday.

  Tess nodded. She loved his high energy. He definitely knew how to excite a woman about a new dress.

  He then turned to finish the task-at-hand.

  Tess stood in awe. Franc had revealed a silver-blue dress. Tess brought her hand to her mouth. She sighed with pleasure.

  “Miss Tess likes.” He clapped his hands. His English wasn’t the greatest but his excitement and French accent made him irresistible.

  Tess reached out to touch the dress then looked at Franc for assurance she could touch it.

  He motioned for her to do so. “Isn’t it the most gorgeous material? This dress is perfect. It is classy, shimmering and sexy.” Franc reached for the dress. He stood behind Tess and held the dress in front of her. She could see the dress against her in the mirror as Franc described the dress further.

  “The silver and white sequin dons the bodice of this gown. The sheer, full-length skirt sweeps the floor. The silky satin will feel smooth against your skin. Try it on.” He gave her a gentle push into the change room and then handed her the dress.

  Tess opened the door only to hear Franc gasp. He stood with both hands over his mouth.

  “Oh yes, Miss Tess, this definitely cries out red carpet―or should I say runway―for you?”

  Tess laughed. He thinks I’m one of the models. Now there’s a compliment or one damn good sales person.

  “I’m not a model. I run an employment agency. Parker is one of my clients. I refer models to him.” Tess laughed and Franc joined in.

  “I assumed. How silly of me? Parker sends models to me for special occasions. He’s never sent a special someone. Is this your first date? Or is it just business?” Franc asked with a wink.

  “Our second date, actually, if you count lunch today.” Tess shrugged.

  “Well he is one lucky man.” Franc turned Tess so she could she herself in the mirror.

  Tess smiled. She never dreamed she’d be wearing a dress this beautiful. Franc was right. She felt like she’d been wrapped in silk as the lightweight material touched her skin. The bodice gave just enough of a peek of her cleavage. I take back what I said to Cami about Cinderella. I don’t know if I’ll get the happily-ever-after but I am certain I’m going to have one magical night.

  Tess changed and handed Franc the dress. She couldn’t believe it fit her perfectly. This man was a godsend. Luckily, now she had time to find a spot to get her hair and nails done and still get home in time for a soak in the tub. Franc placed the dress inside the garment bag and before he zipped it up, he reached for a small gift bag.

  “A surprise for you and no peeking. Promise?” Franc asked.

  Tess assured him she wouldn’t and he hung the bag on the hanger with the dress and zipped up the bag. He told her it was just a little something extra that would make the dress exquisite. She didn’t argue with him. He had picked out the heels to match the dress perfectly. They were silver with a sparkling white sequin as on the dress. Not the glass ‘Cinderella’ shoes but Tess didn’t plan to lose her shoe. They were the most gorgeous pair she owned and she decided to place them on display after tonight so she’d remember her magical date with Parker.

  Franc placed the garment bag over Tess’s arm and the bag with her shoes in her hand. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Now do come back to see Franc and tell me all about this magical night.” He walked Tess to the door and she promised she would.

  “Thank you Franc. You are the best.” She waved goodbye and heard him say he was and that he’d see her soon.

  Tess strolled along the sidewalk. She’d never taken the time to go shopping, let alone window shopping. There were so many cute little shops along the way. She made a mental note to take a Saturday soon and just window shop. Then she noticed the lingerie boutique and stopped. She raised her eyebrow and smiled. If Parker likes the dress as Franc believes, I’m sure he’d love to see something sexy beneath it. Normally she’d never even ponder the thought of being with a man on their first date, but today wasn’t like any other day she’d ever have in her lifetime again. She entered the store without another thought.

  Twenty minutes later, Tess had the perfect silver lace matched set that she hadn’t bought at the grocery-slash-hardware store Cami joked about last night. She laughed at the thought and checked the time, relieved to discover it was only three o’clock. There was time to get her hair and nails done and a soak in the tub at home. Tess crossed the street between traffic as she spotted the Spa Salon across the street. She prayed someone could take her without an appointment as she placed her hand on the big brass handle to open the door.

  Chapter Five

  Tess stepped into the warm bubbles that filled her claw-foot tub. It’s what sold her on the apartment. She knew she’d definitely use it more so than modern kitchens or sunroom additions. She didn’t cook―she could but had no desire so she ate out, picked up or went to her mom’s for dinner on the weekends. The tub made her decision to sign the lease. She hadn’t regretted it since. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the remainder of her apartment. She had an amazing view from her balcony. Her bedroom and bathroom were roomy and of course came with the claw-foot tub and walk-in shower big enough for two, although she hadn’t tried that yet.

  Soft music played in the background. She closed her eyes and relaxed for the next twenty minutes. She’d set the alarm in case she drifted off and lost track of time. Her hair and nails took close to two hours, but she was happy the salon squeezed her in without an appointment. The annoying sound that usually irritated her in the morning, made her smile. She opened her eyes and reached for the button on her alarm.

  Tess stepped out of the tub and dried. She had thirty minutes left to dress before the car Parker mentioned would arrive. Her make-up application took up most of her time. It had been so long since she took the time for herself. She hadn’t felt this good in some time, but then again she never appeared as the woman she’d always wanted to be—not before today.

  Today had less than six hours left and Tess planned to make this the most magical night of her life. At least she’d always have this one night to reflect on and remember. She slipped into the dress and shoes and reached for the gift bag she’d promised Franc she wouldn’t open until now.

  “Oh my.” Tess emptied the bag onto her bed. A beautiful necklace and matching bracelet lay glistening from the light above her bed. “Perfect. Thank you Franc.” She fastened the bracelet and stood before her mirror to put on the necklace. She knew they couldn’t be real diamonds but it looked pretty damn close. The necklace lay gently around her neck and hung just above her collarbone. “Exquisite.” She liked the word Franc used t
o describe her surprise. The perfect finishing touch for the perfect dress. She twirled in front of her mirror.

  At six-thirty Tess walked through the front doors of her lobby and found a stretch limo parked at the curb. The driver stood beside the car. “Ms. Andrews?” Tess nodded and he opened the door for her.

  Tess had never been inside a limo before. She didn’t want to touch anything in case she broke it or spilled it on her dress, so she sat quite still. Her ride would be twenty minutes tops now that rush-hour traffic had slowed.

  At precisely six-fifty, the limo parked at the front entrance to Portland Event Center. Tess had never been inside the center. She heard that many held their wedding receptions there. Of course she knew more about the history of the center and its original structure from Cami, her favorite historian. Since it had been redeveloped and renovated, Cami had shown her pictures of its modern state once when she’d researched its history. The driver opened her door and held out his hand to help her out of the car. Tess thanked him and walked through the entrance which again, a door had been held open for her.

  This has been an amazing day. I’ll be sad to see it end.

  “Tess Andrews. Parker Walsh mentioned to give his name,” she told the woman taking invitations from other guests.

  “Yes, Ms. Andrews. Mr. Walsh left notice to expect you. You are at the table beside the stage—farthest to your right when you enter the ballroom. The seating for the show is setup to the left side of the ballroom. Your seat being the first row, closest to the stage but we will be available to help with the transition after the dinner. Mr. Walsh said to mention he will join you shortly,” the kind lady informed Tess and she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see an older couple behind her. She’d barely digested the information the lady had just provided. A touch of anxiety began to creep through her veins.

  “Did I hear you are at Parker Walsh’s table?”

  “Yes, I am. I’m Tess Andrews.” Tess held her hand out to introduce herself.

  “We are as well. My name is Elizabeth Donnelly and this is my husband Robert.”

  Tess shook their hands and thanked them when they suggested they could walk in together. Relieved for the invitation actually, Tess felt a dose of anxiety sweep through her. She’d never been to a function like this. She inhaled deeply and followed Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly.

  Tess stopped suddenly as she entered the ballroom at the PEC. The sixteen-foot ceilings enhanced the spacious room. The room appeared overwhelming at first and then Tess looked around. The runway had been set up in the middle of the room from the stage. Dinner tables to the right and seating for the show to the left, just as the lady at the entrance said. Tess inhaled deeply and walked with confidence as she followed Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly. The ballroom had been elegantly decorated with table lights and white linen tablecloths. Tess took notice of the china and silverware perfectly arranged at each table. She determined that great detail went into the preparations to make the evening magical. Excitement stirred within Tess as she spotted Parker near the stage. His eyes met hers and he stepped down and waited beside their table. His smile told her the dress pleased him.



  He placed his hands on the back of her chair and pulled it out for her.

  “Thank you.”

  He kept the chair steady as she moved it inward to the table. He leaned into her and whispered against her ear, “Absolutely breathtaking. I’m so happy you are here with me tonight.” He then proceeded to greet Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly and informed Tess that he’d met them in Milan the year before at a fashion show.

  “Milan is beautiful. Have you been Tess?” Elizabeth Donnelly sparked up the conversation immediately.

  Parker knew Tess would be in good hands when he needed to leave their table. He had become friends with the Donnellys since they met and he let them know his plans to return home after so many years abroad. Elizabeth immediately booked him to help organize the fashion show. He couldn’t resist. Not only would it help him gain respect and recognition for his business, it was for a great cause run by a dear friend. Parker had been impressed with the many charitable events she’d organized over the years. This one held a special spot in her heart, she’d told him.

  “No, I haven’t. The only time I traveled was to New York a few years back for New Year’s Eve at Times Square.” Tess smiled.

  “Did you enjoy New York?” Elizabeth inquired.

  “Not really. I remember it being cold and too many people in one place. But a friend wanted to spend one New Year’s there so as good friends do, we went to New York.” Tess snickered as she shared her story with Elizabeth.

  Parker enjoyed listening to their conversation. Tess continued to impress him. He’d wanted to talk to her before today but she always seemed so serious and on the move. He’d assumed she wasn’t interested. When he asked Sonja about her, she’d repeated only what she’d heard from Tess’s assistant, Julie. Julie’s exact words were, “She’s a workaholic, a sweetheart and a good friend.” Sonja told him that Julie never elaborated, which told her that Julie respected her boss who she also called a friend. Tess always seemed a mystery to Parker. He wanted to know more but never had the chance or the right moment—until this morning. Since their coffee this morning, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. She wasn’t like the other women in his life―the ones he dated or the ones he spent his days with. Everything in his life and career had been exciting and fun, yet he felt empty, which was the reason he came back home. But it didn’t seem to make it better. The one thing he was certain of—Tess made it better. He loved listening to her talk. Her excitement, her humor and her laugh enticed him. Her smile drove him crazy with desire to kiss her.

  “Late Spring in New York is the best time dear,” Elizabeth mentioned.

  “A stroll in Central Park.” Robert placed his arm around his wife and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Tess smiled as she watched the couple. Parker knew she could sense their love as he had. They were the perfect romantic couple in Parker’s eyes. Then it hit him. He’d had this empty feeling since he met the couple in Milan. It wasn’t his job or where he lived. He wanted what they had, true love, where he could grow old with his lover and friend. Parker smiled as he watched Tess ramble.

  Their dinners arrived but it didn’t stop their engaged conversation. Parker informed Tess that Elizabeth was the person behind all of tonight’s pleasures.

  “Elizabeth here is the Chair for the new Portland Animal Shelter.”

  “A no-kill animal shelter, Parker,” Elizabeth added.

  He smiled. He remembered she told him how important it was to have a no-kill shelter. Her determination impressed anyone who listened. Her passion for the cause could deeply touch one’s heart.

  “Is this your first shelter, Elizabeth?” Tess asked.

  “It is, Tess. I hope you will drop by to visit. Or if you’d like, we can always use a hand.”

  Robert interrupted, “Now don’t feel obligated young lady, but this beautiful sweet lady will work you to the bone. I know.”

  Parker laughed along with Robert’s chuckle. They were such a cute couple.

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She smiled at Tess and mentioned again to drop by for a visit. Tess promised she would. “I’ve been thinking about a new pet. I would love to have a dog, but my hours are long and it wouldn’t be fair to the dog. But my friend just adopted a cat,” Tess told Elizabeth.

  “You come see me, dear. I can make anything happen.” She winked.

  “She can and she will. Trust me on that too,” Robert added.

  Parker could see in Tess’s eyes and with her in-depth conversation, that she loved the Donnelley’s as much as he did.

  The lights dimmed twice. Tess looked around.

  “They dim the lights to let us know that it is time to mo
ve around to our seats for the show.” Parker stood and held out his arm, “May I escort the lovely lady to her seat?”

  “I’d like that.” Tess placed her arm through his. She looked up at him and smiled.

  Parker took in a quick breath. He swore he could see her soul through her blue eyes. As he walked her to her seat he happily concluded that it was fate that brought him home. It had been home all along that called him. But it wasn’t just home. Tess filled that empty spot. Seeing the Donnellys again confirmed he needed to find his true love. He only hoped she felt the same.

  “Enjoy the show, Tess. I’ll see you again shortly.” Parker kissed her cheek.

  “Is this your first fashion show, dear?” Elizabeth sat beside Tess.

  “Yes, I’m so excited. I never thought I would be, but now that I’m here, it’s just so magical.” Tess glowed with excitement.

  Parker’s heart skipped a beat. He wished he could stay and watch her excitement, but he had to get back to work.

  “I must get back to work. Enjoy the show ladies, Robert.” Parker stepped up onto the stage and disappeared behind it.

  The house lights dimmed again, the stage lights came on and music spread throughout the entire room.

  Chapter Six

  “So, what did you think, Tess?” Parker sounded anxious to hear her answer.

  “I’m very impressed, Parker. What a magnificent show! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for inviting me.”

  Tess’s heart still raced. She hadn’t expected to enjoy a fashion show after dealing with models so much in the past few months. She’d let her self-confidence drop but it wasn’t the models’ fault. Yes, they were gorgeous, flawless and somewhat perfect in Tess’s eyes. But she now believed it had been the icing on the cake. She hadn’t dated in some time―except once which turned out to be a disaster. But even that wasn’t her fault; nor was it his. He only wanted to date one of the models. His mind had been set on someone else. For the first time, Tess acknowledged that he’d set out to win over the girl any way he could―even if it meant going through Tess. She also realized it wasn’t jealousy of the models that made her feel like a plain Jane. It had been her own doing. She realized now she’d never taken the time for herself. Whether it be time spent on her make-up, her hair, or simply taking better care of her health.