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Cinderella Body Club Boxed Set Page 6

  On that note, Tess headed to the shower. She’d never felt better. Her wine headache had disappeared. Tess chose the one set of bra and panties she’d bought herself for her birthday. The only set that matched. She laughed remembering Cami’s mention that they usually never bought matching sets. The woman in the mirror’s reflection stunned Tess. She pinched herself to see if she’d been dreaming. A smile formed. “It really did work.”

  She sat at her makeup table in her panties and bra and took an extra few minutes. Normally she’d quickly apply moisturizer with a hint of foundation at the same time, draw a line on her lower lid with her eyeliner and brush a stroke or two of blush along her cheekbones. Her lipstick usually waited until she parked her car at work―if she remembered at all.

  Tess opened her closet and wondered if she owned anything that would suit her new body. All she’d worn for the past three years were business suits. Her work attire consisted of mostly black or navy blazers and skirts. Then she remembered that short black skirt she bought but never had the guts to wear it. It rose two inches above her knee. She’d been more comfortable with her skirt-line hovering over her knee caps.

  “What the heck? I only have twenty-four hours. I’m going to live it up.” A smile of pride crept upon her.

  Tess stood in front of her floor-length mirror again. “Damn, you look good girl.”

  Pleased with her new look of the shorter, tighter black skirt; she tossed her blazer over the lacy silk camisole tank she usually wore under a blouse. Today, she tossed the blouse. She left the top button of her blazer open. She figured the slight cleavage would be enough to tease. She still had to appear professional. She had a business to run. Tess slipped into her black heels she usually wore out on the town for a night― not that she ever did that anymore. She took one last twirl before her mirror, grabbed her purse and left to meet the girls for coffee.

  Tess scooted in beside Cami at the bistro. Tess couldn’t believe her eyes. She’d never seen them look better. After everyone hugged and complimented each other, they ordered their coffees.

  “Everything up to this point has been what Grandma said would happen.” Cami’s excitement filled the air.

  “I never would have believed in junk like this before.” Annalise turned to smile at the guy at the table beside them. “I have the sudden urge to flirt with every guy.”

  “I look just like what I pictured in my mind when I made my wish.” Cami then reminded them that Grandma told her the magic only lasted until midnight. “Let’s make the most of this.”

  “I look like what I pictured in my mind last night as I held the pendant.” Tess then added, “Another version of me.”

  “A sexier version” Raven pushed her boobs in an upward motion. Tess leaned over and whispered to her, “I love mine too. Raven.”

  Cami pointed to a guy across from them, “Let’s ask him to take a photo of us so we’ll remember this crazy exciting day.”

  His words only delivered further assurance to Tess’s new confidence. “Four beautiful ladies in one place is better than coffee.” He grinned and counted down for the picture.

  “I have to get to work, ladies. Too bad this is a work day but Julie is off so I must run,” Tess announced after their picture had been taken. She hugged the girls and wished them all a memorable day. Her mind filled with excitement and her heart filled with desire as she thought of Parker. Today is the day I get my man. With great confidence, she walked out of the café. She took notice of a few heads she turned, but her thoughts remained on Parker Walsh.

  This time, Tess applied lipstick when she parked her car in the building’s underground lot, a fuchsia pink color she bought but never had the courage to wear to work. She puckered her lips in the rear-view mirror and then blew herself a kiss. Tess tossed a mint in her mouth and sprayed another touch of perfume against her chest.

  Chapter Three

  “Morning.” The barista smiled. “One grande caramel macchiato coming right up.”

  “Good morning.” Tess smiled and politely thanked him. Now he remembers my usual. I rest my case—one must look like a model for personal service here. The sound of Parker’s voice made her swallow hard. It’s now or never, Tess. She turned to smile at him.

  He returned the gesture and added, “Great choice of coffee.”

  “May I buy you one?” Tess flirted. She finally felt that comfort zone to speak to him.

  He nodded. “I’d never deny a lovely lady.”

  Hmmm—this Cinderella body may work out to my benefit, Tess thought.

  She turned back to the barista who confirmed he added Parker’s coffee to Tess’s tab. She thanked him and moved along the counter to wait for her order. Parker followed and stopped beside her.

  “I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. Parker Walsh.” He extended his hand.

  “Tess Andrews.” She smiled and placed her hand in his. If only she could keep her hand in his all day. Her thought was interrupted by the barista.

  “Two grande caramel macchiatos.”

  “Your usual coffee?” Tess inquired; surprised to learn they shared the same love of coffee.

  He nodded in agreement. “Yes. I’ve missed this when I was in Europe.”

  “I heard you were a world traveler.” Tess knew everything about him she could find out. She almost felt like a stalker.

  He reached for their coffees. “Should I stay clear of you if I give it to you?” he teased while he handed the coffee to her.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday. I was in a rush.” Tess didn’t want to explain the trance he normally had her in that produced her inability to speak. She quickly changed the subject that embarrassed her. “So, you were about to tell me about your world travels”.

  “Yes for a few years, but I missed home.” He raised his coffee in the air as a toast. “I missed this the most, but don’t tell my mother.”

  She promised she wouldn’t. He walked with her toward the elevator and asked her what line of work she was in. Their fingers touched the elevator button at the same time. They laughed.

  “Allow me.”

  His smile melted her every single time. The thought of kissing that smile only reminded her that she had less than twenty-four hours to get what she wanted. She took in a quick breath.

  “I run an employment agency on the tenth.” She realized he had no idea who she was.

  “Wait a minute. My assistant told me we use an agency for our models. It’s on the tenth. Same one, I hope.” Parker placed his hand against the opened elevator door and motioned for her to step in first.

  “The one and only” She moved in closer to him. She’d never felt so at ease to flirt with him. She surprised herself with her courageous question, “Do you have plans for lunch?”

  “I do now, but with one condition,” He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

  She inhaled his scent. Right about now he could ask for anything and she’d grant it.

  “And that would be?” She whispered back.

  “That you accompany me to a charity tonight.” His hair grazed her cheek as he backed up an inch and faced her.

  “I can be charitable.” She raised an eyebrow.

  His fingers feathered through her hair. Tess thanked herself for not putting it up in the usual twist. She couldn’t resist curling it this morning. Her hair had never felt better. And only a few twirls with the iron made her look like she’d just stepped out of the salon. His lips parted. The heat stirred within her as she anticipated his kiss. The elevator door opened to eager passengers. Parker motioned for her to lead their way out of the elevator. He stopped outside her office door.

  “What time should I come back for our lunch date?”

  Date. I have a date with Parker Walsh. Yes!

  “Noon.” Tess could barely s
peak. The thought of that almost-kiss lingered in her memory.

  “Noon it is. See you soon.” He smiled and took a few steps backward, waved and then turned to his office door.

  Tess unlocked her office door. She closed it and stood for a moment with her back against the door. She couldn’t believe it. She’d finally spoken to him. And now she had not one date but two. “Yes.” She made a fist and raised her arm into a bend. Today she planned on getting her man and it was actually happening. The ringing phone startled her and she remembered Julie wasn’t there today. Tess raced for the phone.

  Tess found it hard to focus on work, thankful she’d scheduled no appointments for the day. With Julie off, she wanted to get caught up on referral calls and paperwork. Well, that had been her plan. But all she’d done was daydream about Parker. She played their elevator ride over and over in her mind until the phone rang again and she jumped. The call quickly brought her back into work-mode with a new opportunity. The advertising campaign she’d spent a few extra dollars on had been creating some new business for her agency. Julie had already booked appointments for the following week for ten of their clients besides the models she continuously brought in for Parker. Tess dove into the paperwork in front of her. The call took her business to the forefront of her thoughts until she heard a knock on the door. She decided to sit at Julie’s desk in case anyone stopped by. She looked up to see Parker open the door and smile. Shit! Is it noon already? Both excitement and worry crossed her mind. She hadn’t had time to freshen up.

  “Ready to take a break?”

  “I will be in a couple of minutes. I’ll be right back.”

  Tess reached for her purse and excused herself. She raced into her washroom and closed the door. She held her purse tightly against her chest as she leaned against the closed door. “Please tell me you still look hot,” Tess muttered as she slowly walked to look in the mirror. Oh, thank God! She never looked better. She quickly brushed her teeth, applied a touch of her fuchsia lipstick, lightly sprayed her perfume into the air and walked through it. Tess smiled at her reflection and blew a kiss. Go get him Tess!

  “Where would you like to go Parker? It’s been awhile since I’ve left the office for lunch. My assistant usually remembers to feed me.” Tess expressed a touch of amusement in her comment.

  Parker chuckled. “Me either. Sonja spoils me too. She suggested the bistro around the corner. I love their sandwiches.”

  “Perfect. Shall we?” Tess wondered if Julie and Sonja knew each other. Julie always brought her sandwiches from a bistro around the corner.

  Parker held the door for Tess. He definitely had the manners of a gentleman. She thought his mother must be proud to have a successful charming man as her son.

  They took the booth at the back corner. To her surprise, he ordered the same Italian sandwich she did. “We seem to share a few common items.” She remembered they loved the same coffee.

  “And there is the common love of making money from models,” Parker added and winked.

  Tess felt comfortable with Parker. He flirted with her as much as she did with him. Their hands accidentally touched. The simple action only stopped their conversation momentarily as their eyes locked together. Tess felt the heat from the sparks. Electricity had filled the booth and enhanced the feeling she had for the past few months.

  “I do appreciate the business. I like to eat.” Tess snickered.

  “Me too.” He laughed. “We all like to make money. I do enjoy what I do or at least I used to.” Parker’s tone did not include excitement. Tess figured he loved his job, and especially being able to work with beautiful women.

  “I hear a little hesitation. You have such an exciting life. You’ve travelled the world, are internationally known and you work with beautiful women. What else would a man want?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I am thankful for my success and seeing the world. There are some amazing places to see in our world, my favorite being Milan. I love photography. I always have. My mom says I was born with a camera in my hand.” He laughed.

  “But…” Tess met his eyes. They appeared sad. Her heart ached for him. She wanted to lend a listening ear and help her new friend. She already felt like she knew him―well, knew everything about him that she could find. Now she saw a different side, not just the famous sexy photographer, but a real person with real feelings.

  “The models are getting to me, I guess. At first I thought it was great. I mean what man wouldn’t mind working with hot women in exotic places? I thought I just missed home and my caramel macchiato.” He winked.

  Tess smiled but said nothing. She wanted him to talk. It appeared he felt comfortable enough with her to share his feelings. She didn’t want to interrupt and he continued.

  “After three months of being home, I still feel the same. It’s not fun for me anymore. I want to do something different.” Parker seemed to drift for a moment.

  Tess touched his hand and brought him back. His eyes moved to her hand on his and then slowly looked up to meet her stare when she asked him, “Do you want to give up being a photographer?”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t live without a camera.” He chuckled and then added, “Just something different with the camera. But I haven’t figured that part out yet.” He turned his hand around to hold hers.

  His touch made her inhale a quick breath. She swallowed to gain her composure before she spoke.

  “I’m sure it will come to you. Sometimes we all need change.”

  The curves of his mouth slowly formed a smile. “Thanks for listening, Tess. You’re the first person I’ve admitted this to. You make me feel comfortable. I’m sorry to dampen the spirit of our first lunch.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and left a kiss. He held her hand in the air for a few moments as he held her stare.

  First lunch? Does this mean there will be more? Don’t get your hopes up, Tess. He may see you differently after today.

  Parker interrupted her thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to get back to prepare for the charity event tonight. I hope you still plan to join me.” He squeezed her hand and lowered it back to the table but didn’t let go of his gentle hold.

  “I’d love to. What charity exactly? And is it a dinner? Formal?” Tess started to drill him, and he laughed.

  “Where are my manners? Don’t tell my mother.” He smiled bashfully.

  Tess promised she wouldn’t.

  “The charity is for Portland’s new animal shelter at the Portland Event Center. I’m sorry I will be working most of the evening but I will be able to join you for the dinner part. The dinner is at seven followed by a fashion show at eight.” Parker then placed his hand on top of hers, “Is it terrible that I’ve asked you out on a date when I’ll be working through most of it?”

  “Not at all. It sounds fascinating. I’ve never been to a fashion show, or a charitable event for that matter. What does one wear to such an event?” Tess looked at him with a nervous stomach. She wondered what she’d gotten herself into.

  “Black tie events make it easy for me. I just wear a tuxedo.” Parker reached for his wallet and pulled out a card. He handed it to her. “This is the store we use for the models. They have formal wear there. Please allow me to help since I’ve given you such short notice.”

  Tess watched him scribble something on the back of the card, sign it and then hand it to her. She read what he wrote.

  “You’re very generous Parker but I cannot accept this.” Tess held the card out to him.

  He shook his head. “I insist. I’d been dreading the thought of this event, but now that you’ve agreed to come with me, I’m excited. Please accept my gift of a new dress. Really, it will make me feel better.”

  The expression on his face warmed her heart. She felt the concern in his tone. She nodded and felt further surprised by his next

  “Call Sonja with your address and I’ll have a car pick you up at six-thirty. Just give your name and mine at the door. I’ll let them know you are my special guest. Well, I hate to end our time but I need to prepare for the event.” He stood and held out his arm. Tess rose and locked her arm through his and walked with him back to the office. At her door he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you tonight?”

  Tess nodded. Even though she’d broken the ice and spoken with him for the first time, he still left her speechless. She smiled and waved as he entered his office down the hall.

  Tess stood inside her office for a few minutes before it hit her. She squealed with excitement. This new Cinderella-look landed her a date to the ball with her prince. She felt thankful there wasn’t anyone in her office as she did a happy dance. Then she realized she had less than five hours to buy a dress and get ready. For once, she said the heck with work. She only had until midnight before the spell broke. She promised herself she’d live it up and dive into her paperwork over the weekend. Excitedly, she turned and locked her office again. She couldn’t remember the last time she went shopping. She pulled the card from her pocket. It read Classique Elegance. She’d never been to the store before. She knew the store was out of her league but today was special. A boutique like this probably served the rich and or famous. She remembered Parker said his models shopped there so she figured it carried limited editions and only to a select few. Tess smiled as she hit the elevator button.

  Chapter Four

  “Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you discover that something special?” A short polite man with high energy greeted Tess as she entered the boutique.

  “I hope so.” She handed him the card Parker had signed.

  The man read it and smiled. “Miss Tess, Parker has sent you to the right place. I will honor his request and find you the perfect dress. You can call me Franc. Follow me. We haven’t much time.”